30 Mar “Connecting Communities” 2023 Hybrid Conference
Join the world-wide community of
Muscle Response Testers
Recorded Online and in Tenerife – Canary Islands (Spain) – March 30 – April 3, 2023
At the beginning of the pandemic we decided to work hard to connect people alone in their houses. Our 1st event was a huge wave of warm and kindness that crossed all the globe! Last year, in our conference “New Solutions for a New World”, we understood that we must stand together.
Adam Lehman
Adam Lehman, En.K., has been involved in Energy Kinesiology and related healing arts for well over 3 decades. Along with his practical experience, Adam brings a deep understanding of the philosophy and models of Muscle Response Feedback (MRF) into his work and teaching to help others better understand and advance the work he loves.
Bonding: what the world needs now
The focus of this presentation is on the critical effects of bonding on neurology, behavior and emotional construct – how a being’s environment affects bonding at several stages through the first 2 decades of life, and the further effects on life, community and global development.
Alexis Costello
A Holistic Health Practitioner for more than 15 years, has been serving on the Board of Directors for the International Association of Specialized Kinesiology (IASK) since 2014. She has been a Touch for Health Instructor and is now an Instructor Trainer and Assessor for the International Kinesiology College (IKC). She is the creator of GEMS classes and one of the few Stress Indicator Point System (SIPS) Instructors of levels 1-8 and BAP (Body Alignment Protocol). She is the editor and publisher of the KinesioGeek Magazine.
Energetic Pregnancy – chakras in utero
Pregnancy is a time of huge change for a women and her energetic structures facilitate and guide these changes, ushering her into the next stage of her life. A baby in utero is also developing these energy structures, turning them on in order, in a way that supports development and consciousness.
Anne Jensen
Dr Jensen is a healer who earned her PhD in Evidence-based Health Care from the Oxford University. The focus of her research was on the accuracy of muscle response testing (MRT), and her results confirm the validity of MRT. Her background is in psychology, natural health care, and sports performance. In addition, Dr Jensen is the developer of HeartSpeak, a mindbody therapy, which she teaches worldwide.
HeartSpeak for Reducing Stress & Softening Triggers
In this short talk, participants will learn the difference between the Thinking Mind and the Feeling Mind – and why this difference is important! They will learn to distinguish when each mind is active, so they can curb unwanted responses before they occur. Participants will also practice feeling feelings, so they will better be able to choose their feelings. Finally, they will be introduced to several specific stress management strategies which they can use during times of high stress – or anytime!
Charlotte Shanti
Creator of Energy Frequency Tuning where she explores how we may expand methods and modalities to include the dimensional system. Since 2012 she has worked as a professional kinesiologist utilizing many different modalities with a particular focus on allergies and EHS.
In 2014 she was involved in opening a portal to the Golden Child Energy, which led her to the ethereal community City of Light.
Connecting through the dimensions in peace, love and light
Join my presentation where I aim to offer a new approach on how to enhance classical kinesiology modalities and methods through the dimensional system to embrace new solutions for muscle response testing.
David Berglund
David began his healing journey in 1967. In 1987, he discovered his life’s passion after experiencing a session with a clinical kinesiologist. While pursuing his studies in applied kinesiology, he would become a chiropractor, a naturopath, and a physician acupuncturist. His expertise and clinical research originate with the human-bio-computer model proposed by Dr. Alan Beardall in the 1980s. The inhibition and facilitation of muscle response testing is the binary code enabling the practitioner to communicate with the information matrix of the human body.
Adaptation: A mechanism for survival and an obstacle to Kinesiology Therapeutic Applications
Discuss a systematic approach with kinesiology techniques that delivers the maximum therapeutic benefit.
Adaptation occurs when the components necessary to repair a tissue are unavailable, and that tissue is placed on hold or adapted. By addressing adaptation indicators and clearing them, the clinician assists in repairing adapted tissues by providing the raw materials, energy, and information to initiate and complete the healing process.
Daria Kovalchuk
Daria has a master’s degree in psychology and worked as a psychology teacher at the university for 5 years, and also completed her postgraduate studies in psychology. Daria – taught psychology, body therapy and psychosomatics; now teaches one year program Basic Practitioner in neuroenergetic kinesiology and advanced courses in kinesiology. Daria is director of the Institute of Neuroenergetic Kinesiology in Ukraine and the Baltic States.
Kinesioogy tools for working with Autism
In the Kinesiology protocol for working with autism, we will use formats of various brain structures that have been shown to be impaired in autism in numerous studies. We will use the anatomical formats of brain structures together with the modes of Physiology and Psychology at the same time (psyche) since the psyche is a function of brain structures. To work with specific states of consciousness, we will use points corresponding to different states of consciousness. Thus, we will use the three sides of the triangle of balance: the body, psychology and energy.
Edoardo Bevilacqua
Edoardo Bevilacqua is a Kinesiologist from Bergamo, Italy, specialised in Applied Physiology and K-PHYSIS methods. He’s been working with Kinesiology since 2009
During in studies, he integrated different approaches, such as Traditional and Classical Chinese Medicine, Myofascial and Craniosacral techniques, Sound techniques.
He’s a Touch for Health instructor since 2015.
Sound and Posture – How to balance Posture using Harmonic Sound and Kinesiology
We are used to consider Posture as an interaction of different systems that cooperate with each other, such as Nervous System with his receptors, Myofascial and Osteoarticular systems.
This is all correct, but to have a Global Approach we need to include the Energetic System, and Taoist Chinese Medicine comes to our help, describing the perfect connection between Our Spirtual/Energetic nature and Posture.
Emma Acquarone
Environmental engineer and mom of three, Emma is a Touch for Health, Brain Gym, K-Physis instructor. She’s the only certified Joint Anchor Technique instructor other than its Australian developer Geoff Leury. Emma has been practicing kinesiology for over 12 years, co-manages the educational centre Chiron – Arbeitskreis für Gesunderhaltung.
Torshonic Healing And Connecting Communities Of Nerve Cells
The energetic way Joint Anchor Technique ensures transmission of information between communities of nerve cells is unhindered.
Cooperative interdependency between communities is more successful when transmission of information between the communities is unhindered, regardless of who or what the communities represent.
A block of physical nerve cells is an example of a community.
In accordance with the energetic approach of Joint anchor technique, it is believed that areas of the aura in the vicinity of a community of nerve cells can contort in response to stress, disease or injury, and remain locked in the contorted position.
Francesca Simeón Roig
Degree in Psychology (2006)
Diploma in Traditional Chinese Medicine (1988)
Faculty member of “Three in One Concepts”, certified in Burbank- California (1999-2008)
Co-director and head of studies of the vida kinesiologia Center (1995)
Together with Juan Carlos Monge, he developed “Psychoenergetic Kinesiology” and “Kinesiology of behavior and human relations”
The language of the face showing our behavior
Our physiognomy, each feature of our face, shows us the genetic material with which we arrive at this life experience, which conditions all our relationships. Observing them helps us to know ourselves and to interact with others with understanding. Learning the easy art of interpreting facial features and expanding our knowledge of others will significantly improve our relationships. Seeing the root of our differences in ourselves and in the people close to us that interest us will make conflicts disappear.
Jody Ryabinov
Jody has earned over 35 certifications in the Natural Health Care Field and has over three decades of experience working in Alternative Medicine and Optimal Health Methods. She is also the President of The Living Well Center of Ormond Beach, Florida and has helped thousands of clients. Her experience as a Natural Healthcare Professional inspired her to study and obtain certifications in the following fields: Biofeedback and Electro-Dermal Screening, Certified EAV Technician, Herbology and General Nutrition, Applied Kinesiology, and Live Blood Cell Analysis.
EMF’s effects and how to protect the body
Everyone is constantly exposed to EMF that can have a detrimental effect on the body. We will explore all dangerous effect and possible solutions.
Jonathan Livingstone
Jonathan Livingstone was born in Kenya. He is formerly an elected director of Kinesiology Federation, and is author of the books, The Therapist Within You, a self-help book based on kinesiology; and Relearning Experience to Resolve Emotional Problems, the method on which his paper for this conference is based. He has worked with survivors of the Asian tsunami of Boxing Day 2004, traumatized young people from the townships of Western Cape, South Africa; and, in 2022-3, refugees from Sri Lanka and India stranded in Diego Garcia. He has a private therapy practice, since 1998.
Finding and resolving the origins of therapeutic problems with muscle testing and Relearning Experience Process (REP)
Problems from the past are manifesting in the present because the unconscious body perceives the present circumstances to carry a threat similar to something that happened in the past. Often the problem behaviour in the present is a re-enactment, entirely unconsciously, of the person’s behaviour in the past. This behaviour was found to ameliorate the threat in the past, and is unconsciously triggered in the present in response to a similar threat – but in the present this behaviour constitutes a problem.
Lee-Ann Macleod
Lee-Anne has studied Kinesiology since 1998. Travelling the world, she’s been privileged to learn from the founders of most Kinesiology Modalities. She developed NeuroK, (Neuro Kinesiology). NeuroK is an integrative healing system that makes sense in any language and is applicable with all skill levels including students. Founder and Director of Natural Quantum Healing NQH and Neuro-K Neuro Kinesiology Retired President – Australian Kinesiology Association and Brain Gym Australia
Glymphatic System of the Brain – an innovative way to detox the brain naturally
Scientific discovery that overturns decades of neurophysiological belief, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist. This has been named the Glymphatic System. Microglia, the mesmerizing tiny dancers in our brains, are a relatively recent scientific discovery integrally assisting with the health and maintenance of our brains. Another vital, recent discovery has been that our brain also has a very efficient lymphatic system that cleans and hydrates our brain called the Glymphatic System. Microglia and the Glymphatic System are noted to work synergistically with each other.
Matthew Thie
Matthew collaborated directly with his father, John Thie, from 1996 until John’s death in August of 2005, just before the new book was released. Mat worked with John developing healing protocol, writing articles, teaching seminars around the world and working with students. Matthew has taught about the Chinese 5 Element Metaphors to over 1,000 students worldwide and trained over 100 Instructors. He is now the director of Touch for Health education and an instructor trainer.
Building Supportive TFH/ MRT/ Knowlative Community, Through Awareness, Envisioning and Energy Balancing
Let’s consider what’s needed to support each of us to thrive in our work with TFH and Kinesiology, as well as for each of our clients, students, Instructors and Consultants to get the optimum benefit from Touch for Health… and Life! We know that people need simple, effective tools that they can learn in a non-judgmental, supportive atmosphere and opportunities to Practice, Practice, Practice. We also need a chance to stay in contact with supportive community to continue to develop and renew our practice. I have a few ideas about building supportive community, but mostly I want to invite YOU to think about what are your goals for joining and creating community, what support you would like to receive, and what services you would like to contribute?
Marco Rado and Monica Angelillo
Marco Rado and Monica Angelillo have realized their dream of creating a school (Physis – International Institute of Kinesiology), that offers all the tools to become professionals in the field of kinesiology, combining various branches plus a vast material developed by themselves, in which science is integrated with traditional Chinese medicine and new prospective of emotional work.
After teaching Applied Physiology for many years, they have developed their own branch of Kinesiology which they have recently renamed K-Physis and teach it in all 5 continents.
One Muscle for all 5 Elements
In our body we have a muscle that is connected to all 5 elements, that plays a major role in our emotional life.
This muscle is connected to the sternum, the pericardium and the diaphragm. Balancing this muscle it’s a powerful somato-emotional work: we can unlock long seeded emotional imbalances and “open our heart” to new positive attitude.
Marco & Monica will show how to balance this very little known, but very important muscle.
Marian Egan
Marian provides solutions to Physical, Emotional, and Mental Fitness by empowering people to heal themselves. Marian’s Self-Healing Cards are designed to help to make a difference in your world. Marian has had 30 years of experience in helping people to reach their full potential and guiding them toward a more purposeful direction, fulfilling, and satisfying life.
Healing Card Deck – Wisdom, Insight & Foresight
Introduction and Demonstration of the use of Healing Card Deck, which helps correct the imbalance in the Brain & Body. Using the Healing Card Deck correctly and in conjunction with Kinesiology and the Frequency numbers, provides a Self- Healing tool which allows you to take responsibility for your own personal healing.
Activate your natural internal Healing Powers to guide and direct you into a more peaceful and tranquil mode and discover how you can raise your Physical, Emotional and Mental Fitness
Michelle Greenwell
Michelle Greenwell, B.A. Psych, MSc Complementary and Alternative Medicine, Doctoral candidate Integrative Health, Touch for Health, Instructor, Therapeutic Touch Foundations Instructor, MNRI student, author, program development, research, lyricist, video, podcast, dance, and Tai Chi. Michelle’s passion is to use movement to support the body, empower personal approaches through muscle
response testing and awareness, and share tools to energize and create vitality daily.
Exploring the Subtleness of BioFeedback
What we listen to in our body, mind, and spirit are the cues that assistance is needed from our body to function optimally. We may realize that the tension in our neck is bringing on a headache. We can respond with medication, with deep breathing and mindful exercises, and we can respond with movement. What we are initially responding to is biofeedback which could be tension in the neck, pain in the head, a change in breathing, reduced mobility, shifting thoughts or mood, and reduced connection with others.
Ondrej Bursik
Ondrej has a BA in Psychology and a Dip HSc in Holistic Kinesiology, he is also the Director of Optimal Learning Centre. On completing his BA in Psychology at Macquarie University in 1996, Ondrej undertook a two year diploma course in Holistic Kinesiology.
Currently works at Optimal Learning Centre and lectures in Holistic Kinesiology at the College of Complementary Medicine, Sydney.
3 Jiao and the role they play in regulating Qi to twelve channels
Pablo Lopez Martinez and Asun Esteve Boix
Pablo learned about Touch for Health kinesiology in 2003. He became an instructor in 2008. He has been appointed Faculty for Spain of Touch For Health School in 2020. He is member of the IKC since 2020. He co-teach with Asun Esteve Boix since 2008 and they have developed a lot of courses.
Asun studied Dry Puncture Techniques, then she became an expert in G.D.S psycho-behavioral muscle chains and in 2004 she did all the Kinesiology training as an instructor of TPS, Kinergetics and of the holistic stress reliever.
TMJ dysfunction. Emotional approach with kinesiology
They will talk about the emotional connections with the limbic system, the survival mode and its relationship with the Earth Element of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the Psycho-Behavioral Pulse.
Sylvia Marina
Epigenetic Trauma Specialist, Sylvia Marina ND, is a well-known international educator and event speaker in managing and resolving stress and trauma. She is the Lady Dean of the International Kinesiology College, Personal Development School, and Principal of “Heart Leaders Academy”. Prior to March 2020 Sylvia’s invitations included workshops and assignments around the world. She currently presents most of her work online, creating new pathways of positive energy through her teaching and mentorship. Her work has expanded to welcome experienced and new people, Touch For Health kinesiologists, and practitioners to become specialists within “Heart Leaders Academy”.
Harness your power
Many know the torment of not being believed. Of having negative seeds sown into their psyche until confused, doubting the difference between truth and lies.
I will guide you to experience reaching beyond the limitations of the mind to discover your own truth. Some of the truths will be epigenetic trauma memories. Imagine discovering a new piece of your genius – that something in your DNA that you felt was possible, but self-doubt confusion clouded your true purpose.
People look at what they can’t do, “Harness The Power” gives you a practical tool to objectify your purpose.
Szilvia Nagyné Szűcs
She comes from Hungary. She’s a chair of the Ethics Committee of the Association of Hungarian Kinesiologists. She’s a basic instructor in Three in One Concepts. She works with One Brain system, TfH, LEAP, SIPS, Applide Physiological methods, and Integrative Physiology. She heard about kinesiology for the first time when she was a kid, and she was fascinated by it. But life took her in a different direction, so she first became a dental technician. Then when she had children and they kept showing her the mirrors, she went to a kinesiology session.
Colorful life: the relationship between colors, chakras and essential oils
Some we love and some we don’t. There are things we love and things that are far from us. Some we loved as children and some we loved as adults. But our color requirements also vary from our mood, life situations, experiences. However, we can safely say that whether we like it or not, colors affect us. They imperceptibly heal, soothe, or even stimulate us. I will talk about the relationship between colors, chakras and essential oils. All three systems can heal on their own. But what if we combine them? Of course, there will be an even more effective help in our possession. If we associate this body of knowledge with muscle response testing, then we can find the cause, location in the body or in the energy system, and solution/balance.